Lockdown III: Dreams of Shower
Part III of my personal ramblings regarding Venezuela’s coronavirus lockdown quarantine series, I hope it doesn’t become a cinematic universe.
The thoughts, trials, and tribulations of a man that just wanted to play vidya gaems.
Part III of my personal ramblings regarding Venezuela’s coronavirus lockdown quarantine series, I hope it doesn’t become a cinematic universe.
A few personal words about myself, the importance of smiles in this trying times, and how they help pave the road towards a brighter future.
Venezuela has gone through its first month of COVID-19 Social Quarantine, but not even this pandemic can obfuscate the ongoing collapse of the country.
A very personal post on the occasion of the second anniversary of my mother’s passing, and a reaffirmation of the promise I made to her on that day.
A few personal and borderline incoherent ramblings about this period of pandemic-related isolation that many around the globe are experiencing.
Personal thoughts and ramblings amidst Venezuela’s Coronavirus pandemic, and the country-wide Social Quarantine that has been imposed.
A humbnle, earnest, and sincere call for help towards solving the hardest puzzle of my life: legally migrating to another country with my brother.
A road map a plan to action, a list of things for the next decade of my life. Some goals and dreams for a future that I must work hard to attain.
A personal post meant to wrap up and give closure to 2019, going through some of the events that took place on it, the second in a series of three.
Just a few personal words about the last Christmas of this decade.