The Escape: the Jus Sanguinis pt. II arc
An update about the start of a new story arc in my continued efforts to get my brother outta here and start a new life alongside him.
An update about the start of a new story arc in my continued efforts to get my brother outta here and start a new life alongside him.
An account of my brother’s fractured molar incident from my perspective as his big brother, caretaker, & the closest thing he has to a father figure
Personal words to wrap up and give closure to the second half of 2021. Winding down after a most complex year altogether.
A request for feedback regarding the content of this site, with plans of improving the quality, variety, and cadence of it for 2022 and beyond
My personal review of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. WARNING: CONTAINS SPOILERS.
My personal ramblings for the month of November 2021, me venting off after a convoluted month, hopeful horizons, and a Sword update
A public update on how things fare with regards to my efforts to obtain a visa to get out of Venezuela with my brother and start a new life
My personal ramblings for the month of October 2021. Venezuela’s stagnation, my future and me trying to heal old wounds.
Some words on Venezuela’s eighteenth month of lockdowns. Same old stagnation, the eve of a new currency scale, and growing hope on the horizon.