Dude, just axe more zeroes lmao
Another week, another improvised economic measure in a country that can’t afford to improvise anymore. You know what they say, when it doubt just print more money and axe more zeroes, that totally works
Another week, another improvised economic measure in a country that can’t afford to improvise anymore. You know what they say, when it doubt just print more money and axe more zeroes, that totally works
A few words about the damage this Socialist disaster has caused to our psyche, and the despair it spawns as a result of it all.
Pack it up guys, its over, Venezuela finally became the world’s most poorest millionaires. When everyone is a millionaire, no one is.
An overview of Hugo Chavez’s cult of personality and the Chavismo pseudo-religion that has spawned out of it.
In which I try to cast off some of the burdens after nearly two months since my mother’s passing.
A look back at Ragnarok Online, a little but charming online video game, the product of a bygone era in the MMORPG genre.
A month after I lost that which was most precious to me, the fight goes on…
A few words about the status quo perpetuated by both the Venezuelan government and the opposition that has allowed Socialism to lay waste to our nation.
The concept of a normal life is something that doesn’t exist in Venezuela anymore.