Scattered Family
Some personal words on how my family has scattered to other countries as each of us found our way out of Venezuela
Some personal words on how my family has scattered to other countries as each of us found our way out of Venezuela
Some of the “small” changes in my life that I’ve experienced so far on my first three months here in Italy
In which I touch upon the mystery surrounding Hugo Chávez’s actual time of death, another of the lies upon which the current Venezuelan regime was built
The tale of an Indian scammer and his false promises of wealth versus the bald goon that spent ten bux to post on a forum
Personal words on the long-sought final closure of the past years of my life, and the start of a new, better life in Italy
A recap of our second month in Italy, which was mostly centered on getting our residence paperwork and ID cards, and other initial stuff here
A recap of our first month in Italy, the failures at finding a place to rent in Turin, my near capitulation, and the kind help we’ve received
A recap of our departure from Venezuela, our arrival in Italy, and the current obstacles to overcome if I’m to stay here in Turin
At last, after six long years, I’m finally leaving Venezuela with my brother towards the unknown, towards a new life.
Pokemon, despite how astoundingly flawed modern releases are, has once again become a mean to share more time with my brother, who is very passionate about it