A personal post meant to wrap up and give closure to 2019, going through some of the events that took place on it, the second in a series of three.
A personal post meant to wrap up and give closure to 2019, going through some of the events that took place on it, the second in a series of three.
Wrapping up the decade with a look back at some of the video games that I played over the past ten years, as I gear up for a next chapter of my life.
Just a few personal words about the last Christmas of this decade.
A few words about the current state of things in Venezuela, marinated in the opposition’s perpetual failure, and pan-seared with apathy.
A non-informative rambling post about my first tryhard raiding experience in Final Fantasy XIV. Rev up that Force your way cause it’s Eden time.
A condensed post fueled by water shortages and sleep deprivation in which I go through a few common topics as we enter the last trimester of 2019.
Some brief words regarding my upcoming novel series, the road ahead towards publishing it, and what I hope will come next once the first entry is released.
On the occasion of the first year anniversary of Venezuela’s Sovereign Bolivar, a currency that was never meant to succeed.
Another nation wide blackout in venezuela, another chapter in the ongoing collapse of our electric infrastructure. From my personal PoV.