Hi there, I’ve been meaning to do this post for a bit, and what better moment to do it than at the end of a turbulent year, and the start of a new one.

I’m going to cut to the chase: I’m pretty aware that most of the content I published on my site during 2021 was rather lacking in many ways, and it was mostly centered around me and my personal struggles. I apologize wholeheartedly for the drop in quality.

Last year was a bitch in many regards, and I never really had any time to catch a breath because every time I tried something new would happen — and that’s without factoring in my visa plans crumbling down yet again, something that pushed me to the edge of depression right when I thought I had finally overcome it, still working on that.

Looking back, much of that depressive mood spilled too much over my words, and when it comes to Venezuela-related content, there really wasn’t much new to talk about as the country was and still is undergoing a stagnant ‘peaceful’ phase. For better or worse, there’s no real crisis to cover these days, no new developments akin to those intense days of years past, just pure and undiluted stagnation, everything continues just as it’s been.

Because 2022 is a new year, I want to improve in many aspects, and that includes this website. It is my intention to improve the quality, type, and cadence of content to the best of my ability. In that sense I am humbly requesting your feedback as to what content would you like me to work on.

What would you like to see here? Whether it’s more personal posts but under specific subjects, varied video game related stuff, shitposts like that old swapacommie post, anecdotal stories of my youth, specific topics about Venezuela, or what have you. I also have that YouTube channel, and I have no idea what to make of it. Currently, there’s only 3 memes on it and that’s it.

Please let me know your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. If you prefer, feel free to reach me out via Twitter, Discord (Kaleb#3680), email, Telegram (@CKaleb), or whatever. I’ll be asking this very same feedback through other mediums and platforms as well.

I’ll take any and all feedback seriously, write everyone’s suggestions, and organize a plan of action for 2022 once I have enough feedback — that being said, my efforts to publish Sword, taking care of my brother, and migrating from Venezuela with him asap will remain my topmost priorities.

Allow me to thank you in advance for your feedback. Here’s to 2022 being a better year for all of us. The world continues to be messed up in many ways, but let’s give it our all to be happy and be the best we can be.

Best regards,
